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Repair guides for Android cell phones manufactured by ALCATEL.

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Wifi gets connected but no internet access..?

Pls help....why is there no internet access....

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I get connected but it turns off on me when using

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I had this similar problem on my Phone and Tablet and it's actually quite simple to fix. It has nothing to do with Internet Provider service.. Go into settings and change the Date/Time to 24 hour format.. and Violaaaaaa!!! Mine started working.. Got this solution from Youtube.. Hope it helps.. :)

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It worked!!! Thanks Ester, the 24 hour format was off.

what next if 24 hour format is on?

don't know why but that didn't work on my phone

It worked. I don't know for how long, but it worked. It is NOT a network problem, because my husband has a Samsung Phone and I can have them side-by-side, and his works great (love their wireless), but my Idol will say "No Internet". Thanks for the help!

Yes but its not the date and time . Scroll down and reset network ,it

Worked for me ty☺

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While watching Roku, it suddenly stopped saying I was not connected to the internet. I opened my Alcatel, removed the battery and then put the battery back in, closed the back and the TV worked, well, ok, only for about 10 minutes.

I had to call my carrier who informed me I was on a limited plan with my Alcatel and reached my data limit. My options are to get internet from an outside source or increase my data usage on the Alcatel. I increased it to no limit but will have to find an outside source as T-Mobile is expensive.

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This is most likely a network problem, not a phone problem

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password may be incorrect

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Hi can any one tell me what problem is or hep so I've brought a alcatel one touch android for a presents it's brand new, but can't download any apps keeps saying no connection I don't want a sim card in there she's 7.

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My alcatel wifi router show me that is no internet availeble

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