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Repair information for the Asus Transformer series.

120 질문 전체 보기

Why my device is not charging?

Hi, my name is Marco, I own a Asus Transformer Book T100TAM, I was working with it but all the sudden, the device turned off by it self.

I checked on the charger and when I look at the orange charging light is not on, then I noticed that my device is not charging any more.

I'm very worry that my motherboard might get fried, I'm just hoping there is something can be done other than having problem with the motherboard...

I need help, please help me, I can't effort to buy anything else for the moment...

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Hi Marco,

The thing you need to figure out is wether the problem lies with the power supply or the laptop.

A good way to find out, is to follow these steps if you have a multimeter.

1. Check the label on the power supply and check how many volts are supposed to be on the output.

2. grab a multimeter and set it to Volts DC

3, with the power supply plugged in and turned on, grab the plug on the end of the power supply and place the red probe inside the plug , and the black probe on the metal on the outside of the plug.

4. Check to see if the multimeter shows the same voltage as what the sticker says it should be. (Within 1 volt is close enough)

If the number matches your power supply is fine and the problem is with the laptop.

If the number does not match your power supply is dead. Go by another one

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