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Samsung의 5-세대 Android-기반 Galaxy 스마트폰은 2014년 4월 11일에 출시되었습니다. 이 휴대폰은 지문 스캐너, 최신 카메라, 대형 화면 및 방수 기능이 개선되었습니다. 네 가지 색상으로 제공됩니다; 검정, 파랑, 흰색 및 구리.

577 질문 전체 보기

Why do my emails disappear?

When I turn on Outlook Express on my pc, all emails in my Inbox on my phone completely disappear. This is very inconvenient these days; for example I am having to print out many items from my pc that I should be able to carry arround on my phone. Can anyone tell me how to stop this happening?

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선택된 해법

Outlook express seems to be in POP email mode, just go to your email settings and change it to keep your emails after they are accessed by outlook.


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Yes that worked thanks very much

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