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2015년 9월 25일 출시. Model A1688/A1633. 수리는 이전 모델과 유사하며 스크류 드라이버 및 비집는 도구가 필요합니다. GSM 또는 CDMA / 6, 64, 또는 128GB / 은색, 금색, 스페이스 그레이 및 로즈 골드로 제공하였습니다.

2695 질문 전체 보기

Soap water in my iPhone6s's home button

So yesterday i got water with a little bit of soap in it on my phone. First the ear speaker had very low volume so i sucked out the water and it worked. But then my home button started acting strange. It started opening Siri and acting like its pressed. And I could hear some water in it so i turned it off. Today the button is working but there is still water so i went to a repair service and they said that they will check it out. Do you think there is hope and how much could it cost?

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Cost depends on the place you've sent it in to get it repaired. I wouldn't really know as it varies across country. Shouldn't cost too much if parts don't need to be replaced if you are lucky.

Thanks for the answer. Today i got it back and they said that the just had to dry it out and now everything is ok. Knock on wood!

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All costs depend on the shop. Water damage repair is always a 50/50 chance of bringing the phone back. I would look into possibly getting another phone in the near future, as even if it is repaired, there is no guarantee as to how long it will last due to the corrosion.

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The service said that they only needed to dry it out. When i gave it to them there weren't even 24 hours since i've got water in the home button. So they said that the device is fine. I hope that everything is okay with it and i can countinue using it for a long time.

The best thing for water damage is cleaning the ports with a 91% alcohol solution to get any start of corrosion away, THEN popping it into the ovens no more than 155 degrees to dry out everything. Just simply drying it is fine, but that extra step really does help.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you that it continues to work and all is well. I'm really glad they were able to take care of things for you!

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