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The Wii U is a video game console paired with a handheld device made by Nintendo that allows users to play games on the GamePad. Repairing the console is straightforward as the device is very modular.

193 질문 전체 보기

My wiiu says invalid disc my games are clean please help me

every time i put in a game it always says invaild disc i put only wii u games not ps4 disc and i just bought mario party 10 its clean still wont work please help me

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Last week on Monday I bought Mario Party 10 and it gave me a invalid game disc error so I was completely disappointed. I went to another gamestop, got a new one and still had the same problem like this is ridiculous.

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It may have a bad optical drive. I had a friend accidentally kick my once and I just replaced the optical drive and it was as good as new. Do all the disc you put in say that and does it still work with games you download?

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May I ask where you purchased the optical drive replacement?

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