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LG에서 제작한 터치스크린 스마트폰 모델 번호 VS980는 2013년 9월에 출시되었습니다.

185 질문 전체 보기

Strange pattern in screen after digitizer replacement.

I had my digitizer only replaced previously but recently it malfunctioned again and this time I did the job DIY.

After removing the digitizer(not pasted with loca glue) I reinstalled the LCD to make sure it works and it did but had vertical repetition in center vertically and washed-up colors on white background but after running it for few minutes and restarting it, Display was back to normal!

I started assembling it back but after completing the process issue came back and unfortunately this time it seems to be not going.

Now whenever it turn on the phone it displays some vertical color repetition and with continuous usage the bottom part behaves abnormally (displaying repetitions of status bar or flickering).

Read online that LCD has some circuit which needs not to touch the GSM antenna at bottom part and I sticked it back to place with tape and then put electric tape in between put still have the problem.

Plz help me...!!

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Its 80 percent because you didnt fit the flat cable of display in the right position or you have broke or fold it too much, its not likly a sw issue . So reconnect calbe carefully ,really careful.

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