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LG 대형 스마트폰, 2014년 가을 출시. LG는 Quad HD IPS 스크린과 13-megapixel 카메라를 자랑합니다.

180 질문 전체 보기

Black film came off when removing digitizer

I pulled thse digitzer off an lg g3 nd this black film came off with it, now is that film the lens so the color shows because I started the phone and the screen was white (while digitzer was unplugged and removed. I also ordered anoher digitizer is that black film spose to be on it? If not can Someone tell me what that film is and what it does so I can order it?

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Ok thank you for answering my question and giving me the info ill try to see if I can send it in. Thank you

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It's probably the polarizer film. The digitizer and LCD are fused together in this model, and you should use the screen assembly that includes both the digitizer and LCD when replacing it. Trying to replace just the digitizer is not going to work, without professional refurbishing equipment.

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