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Mac mini 제품군은 2005년 1월에 처음 소개되었습니다.

1256 질문 전체 보기

Stickies application will not open.

When I click on the stickies icon in the doc or in the applications folder no stickies will appear. I get the stickies bar across the top but no stickies.


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On the menu bar at the top navigate to Window and confirm that there are any active stickies. There should be a list of all open stickies there, click one to pull it to the front. If there are no stickies listed, then all Stickies have been closed. Make a new sticky by going File>New (+N).

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It's working

if you see the menu bar change, and the throbber in the the Dock. Also check under Apple icon->Force Quit if it's frozen it will be noted.

• To close this note, click the close button.

• To collapse this note, double click the title bar.

• Your current notes appear when you open Stickies

If you have no new or current notes there's nothing to show.

If this answer was helpful please remember to mark it accepted.

Good Luck,


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Thank you so much. You rock!

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I had a similar issue with my computer showing the Stickies app being open, yet the Stickies were not visible.

  • Make sure Stickies is open
  • Menu Bar -> Window -> Expand

Hope this helps at least one person.

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guys real problem solver for disappeared stickies, check this link out , https://www.howtoisolve.com/sticky-notes...

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