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2014년 12월에 출시한, 여러 모델 번호로 알려진, 아시아 시장을 위한 Samsung의 Android 스마트폰.

118 질문 전체 보기

Why my calling volume is very high?

When I am making a call from my A5 phone the speaker volume is very high like I am calling hands free. Everyone can here the caller sound and there is no privacy. Can you help me to stop this.

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Maybe you have it set on speaker phone.

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You may have the vol. all the way up... during a call press the vol. down on the side of the phone and find out.

If not see if for some reason you are on speakerphone.

Also see if some kind of hearing assist setting is on in settings.

Other that that it may just be that the people on the other side talk really loud. (my mother used to be that way)

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Didn't work for me ..............

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귀하의 답변을 추가하세요

Zahir Niyas 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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