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The PSP 3000 was released in the U.S. on the 15th of October 2008.

92 질문 전체 보기

Psp battery and console issue

My psp has been sitting away for years and when I found it in my closet I noticed the battery was very big and popped the back case open. I took it out and ordered a new battery. (not a original psp Sony battery )

Once the battery came in the mail I put the new battery in but it won't completely fit. The console itself doesn't stay on because of this issue I think.

I don't know if the console got heat damage. Need help.

Please and thank you.

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I recommend looking for a OEM Battery - I had a PSP-3001 that apparently had a similar problem to yours, and I was able to get it working without any problems using an OEM Battery, rather than one of the third party ones.

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Hey there! There is a chance that your non-OEM battery was improperly manufactured and is not seating properly as a result, but I would not be surprised if the failed battery damaged your connectors/battery slot is the years sitting away. Try to compare the new battery with the old one and see if it has the dimensions the old one started with, and make sure that all connections are as clean as possible. Best of luck, and happy gaming!

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