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How do I fix a cracked hinge?

The black plastic covering the hinge on my laptop is cracked. What would be the best way to repair this?

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It's called the clutch cover.

Apple Part # 076-1374

Usually it can be replaced by squeezing it and sliding it about a 1/3 of an inch to the right or left. It's cheap. Here's the part:


On eBay it can be had for under $8

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mayer, How dare you tell somebody to stop suggesting a fix. The poster asked for a repair, whether cosmetically perfect, probably not. Researching and learning about a subject is a way to help an individual become knowledgeable, even though they may not be a #1 expert in it. I may not of had the same opportunities in life as you did with computers, this does not keep me from learning though, sometimes from mistakes I have made.

As far as the negative score, the poster asked for a repair, not a replacement part and I made a suggestion, not deserving of a negative score.

So as long as you do not mind, I will continue to help IFIXIT posters when I can by answering their questions, when I believe it may be of help.

Have a good day.

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가장 유용한 답변

At, if it is just the plastic cover that is cracked , you could try grooving the crack out slightly with a small machinist file and apply 2 part epoxy carefully and smoothly. If you are able to remove cover to make repair.

Good luck

I hope this helped you out, if so let me know by pressing the helpful button.

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MacBooks are not in your area of expertise, you might want to stay away from these questions.

mayer, How dare you tell somebody to stop suggesting a fix. The poster asked for a repair, whether cosmetically perfect, probably not. Researching and learning about a subject is a way to help an individual become knowledgeable, even though they may not be a #1 expert in it. I may not of had the same opportunities in life as you did with computers, this does not keep me from learning though, sometimes from mistakes I have made.

As far as the negative score, the poster asked for a repair, not a replacement part and I made a suggestion, not deserving of a negative score.

So as long as you do not mind, I will continue to help IFIXIT posters when I can by answering their questions, when I believe it may be of help.

Have a good day.

If you check, I've voted your answers up more than anyone else, besides yourself, Ace.

mayer, I do appreciate your previous votes, they did not go unnoticed. I just do not agree with your initial comment on the question on how to repair the plastic trim (clutch cover).

OK, it was just the amount of time it would take over a $4 to $8 part. Took the neg off.

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i don’t really understand what you’re talking about, does it just come off and slide back in? i can’t find any videos. i have a 13” macbook air

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