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A1708 / EMC 2978 — 2016년 10월 출시, 이 기본 레벨 MacBook Pro는 (OLED Touch Bar가 아닌) 기존의 function keys를 유지합니다. Function Keys 버전은 Intel Core i5 및 Thunderbolt 3 포트 2 개를 포함합니다.

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Where I can buy keys (late 2016 version)


do you know a company/website where I can buy german keys from the late 2016 Macbook Pro version.

I only need the keys, but if it´s necessary to buy the whole keyboard-mechanic, it´s fine too. I don´t need the function keys, only a punch of common german keys!

Thank you for your help!

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Since this is a very new purchase, get "buyer remorse" and return it and get the German version of the machine.

Modifying your machine will void any warranty.

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I agree with Mayer here I would cancel my order ASAP!

The other direction here is getting a German Bluetooth external keyboard if you can't cancel your order and re-order the system with the German keyboard.

It will be quite a few months before the german keycaps will be available.

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They aren't selling either the keyboard or keys at the moment since it is a new model. The keyboards aren't yet available from suppliers and the keys are removed from old water damaged/non-working keyboards, and there aren't any for this model yet.

German keyboards are usually quite difficult to come by anyway, so you will need to likely wait a month or 2 at least.

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Thanks for your answer.

I have no problem with waiting one month.

But it´s important for me to know a company, which sells keys/keyboards in a german layout. I only found silicone covers, which I hate.

Mostly you can buy second-hand keys, but I guess in the near future, there are no second-hand keys for the new 2016´s Macbook Pro. Waiting for some years is absurd.

I have listed below 3 websites (Google "MacBook key caps") which sell keys for MacBooks. The keys will be second hand, but look new (as I said, the keys sold are removed from dead keyboards, since it is just a plastic key). The keyboards will be available before this in China, then on eBay by resellers, but it will likely be a couple of months (German layout keyboards are also less easy to find than US or UK).




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replacementlaptopkeys is shady, stay way from them if you can, just look at their facebook page

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