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2010년 4월 출시 / 2.4, 2.53 GHz Core i5 또는 2.66, 2.8 GHz Core i7 프로세서

591 질문 전체 보기

Desoldering CPU to use somewhere else.

Hi there.

So my Macbook Pro Mid 2010 has one of those faulty GPU chips and i can't do anything but replace the complete motherboard, which is a mess, but there's no other option (reballing is not one, i've read).

I was wondering, tho. The only thing this motherboard has broken is the GPU chip, but the Core i7 2600 is working pretty well. Could i desolder it from the motherboard to use it somewhere else, like on a desktop motherboard (or sell it as used)?

What else can i desolder from it, or what use could i give to this board instead of toss it to the trashcan?

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You can desolder and sell parts from it, but I would just sell the board on eBay for scrap. I get dead boards from China which have the GPU and CPU removed, so they are obviously being sold, but I don't think there is a huge market for them, since it is difficult to replace, and companies are known to sell bad CPU/GPUs, or ones which soon fail. I don't know if you could use this on a desktop, since desktop CPUs are usually removable.

I would save the hassle and just sell the board on eBay for spares. Depending on where you get the new logic board, some companies give you a £50 discount if you send them your old one. If you were selling the MacBook as well (not replacing the board) it will sell for a lot usually.

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Agreed! Best to sell as a parts system or for the scrap.

No the chip is not transferable to a desktop different series of chips used.

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