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An upgrade of the Nintendo Game Boy Advance, the Advance SP was released, in North America, on March 23 2004 with a square structure and clam-shell design.

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My Gameboy advance Sp Charger light is not turning on.

I recently got a gameboy advance sp after many years at a garage sell and the game boy didnt come with a charger. So I played few games on it and when it needed to get charged I went to go buy a charger a KMD one. I plugged the charger to my sp and no charging light is coming on when I plug it to the sp. I still haven't bought a replacement battery because I have read that It could be that the battery is dead but since I havent bought a battery replacement I can't prove that it is the battery that doesn't work. Also the gameboy sp can still turn on but for a few seconds.

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does your charger look like a square? if not, THAN ITS THE WRONG PLUG!!!

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I bought a replacement battery after these years and nothing has still happened. Recently i got a AGS 101 and the same problem happened so i think its the charger thats the problem

I bought a Nintendo gameboy advance sp and I ordered a charger on ebay for it with the info on the console. It is square. I plugged it up to charge, but it never lit up. I wonder if it is the battery. I don't know how long the lady had it. She said it worked and her daughter wasn't using it anymore.

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