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PowerMac G5는 Apple Corporation에서 2003년에 처음 제조한 데스크톱 컴퓨터입니다. 이 안내서는 2004년 Apple PowerMac G5 모델 번호 A1047 EMC 2061의 수리 과정을 검토합니다. 2006년에 먼저 개발자에게 그 후 소비자에게 Intel 스위치의 일환으로 판매가 중단되었습니다.

197 질문 전체 보기

Powers itself off after about 5 minutes.

PowerMac G5 DUal 2.0 Ghz PCI-X

Serial No. : CK411J3JQVJ

This PowerMac works perfectly... until it powers itself off.

I expect it needs a new PSU? but which one ?

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Seeing a kernel panic notice on screen?

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Energy Saver computer sleep & put hard drive to sleep settings.

Remember to return and mark accepted the answer that best solves your problem.

Good luck,


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Try this first +

To me it sounds like overheating of either the power supply, or the CPU. I'm sorry but I can't help you with the power supply diagnosis CPU overheating could be from myriad problems, sensors, logic board, fans, old dry thermal paste.


There are no Kernal Panics or such Screen output.

Nothing is logged in the system.log in Console.

The Energy / ScreenSaver settings are OK.

The power cuts out, just like the plug had been pulled, it is not a usual shutdown or timed logout sequence.

Please post this as a Update to your Question or a comment to my Answer only Answers belong here.

awaiting new PSU... will report back on result...

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