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The Xbox 360 is the second game console made by Microsoft, and was released November 22, 2005.

431 질문 전체 보기

Why would someone do this to the fan?

My 360 was opened by someone before I got it and the fan was rewired.

The fans have 4 wires coming from the harness (red and black to one fan and blue and brown to the second). The previous owner cut the blue and brown wires and tied the blue wire to the fan with the black and the brown from the fan to the red.

I was just wondering why someone would do this and should I put it back??

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Fascinating. Interesting to think about the history of our things, as they migrate from owner to owner and hacks pile on top of hacks. Microsoft certainly never envisioned this chain of ownership.

As technicians, maybe we should start documenting our work by leaving paper notes inside equipment? :)

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To make the fan run faster and make the console run cooler (at the price of more noise). See e.g. http://www.llamma.com/xbox360/mods/360-1...

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That is what I thought but they are just reconnected to the fan plug they aren't connected to the board anywhere else.

Good point, sorry for not reading your question more closely. I found a couple of relevant links -- I bet the previous owner had a problem like this one, and there's even a schematic. In short, the two fans are normally controlled separately to reduce noise, but sometimes one of the drivers burns out and people do that modification to keep both fans running. If you try to put it back, you'll probably only end up with one working fan -- if I were you, I'd leave it alone and just keep an eye on it, and if the fans both stop working, do that 12V mod.

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If the 4 are combined to make 2 its a 12 volt fan mod and likely means the processor is burnt and overheating.We used to do that for overheating 360s back in the day to make them live longer but sounds like a jet engine taking off when you do.....

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