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Galaxy S7 Edge는 Samsung의 2016년 주력 휴대폰 Galaxy S7의 곡선형-스크린 버전입니다. 2016년 2월에 발표되었으며 3월 11일에 출시되었습니다. 모델 SM-G935.

369 질문 전체 보기

Dropped Phone - Small Crack

Bought my S7 Edge two weeks ago from a small reseller. Phone was in good condition etc but just today I managed to drop it. Despite having a case, the bottom right corner as a small mark (doesn't look cracked on the surface) and there's a few lines going across the bottom of the screen and it flickers very subtly.

What I'm wondering is what my options are (UK Resident)? I've never damaged a phone this soon after receiving it and I'm not sure what I can do. Don't know if getting it repaired by a phone repair shop is worth it? Is there any chance I could get Samsung to repair it? How difficult is the repair? I've repaired several iPhone 5S screens but I saw a video on YouTube for the S7 and the way the screen is pryed up I'm worried that I'll cause further damage - if anyone has repaired both of these phones how do they compare in difficulty?

Any advice would be great, just want to know my options.


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The S7 Edge quite frankly sucks to work on. The back is glued down, very well, and its made of glass so you can't use much force. The battery is right under there, so you can't go full gorilla with heat either. Then once you finally get the back and battery out, the display is firmly glued to the frame. In my book its one of the worst phones to work on. Compared to a 5S, the 5S is child's play.

Samsung might offer a repair service but its not going to be cheap. The display alone sells for about $300 and no one can get OEM S7 Edge screens right now. So...its kind of a crap time to be working on an S7 Edge. The parts are scarce and expensive and it sucks doing the labor on them.

Sorry if I'm a bit harsh but I actually have 3 of these that I'm working on today and I'm a little frustrated at how hard it is to do anything to these phones.

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Harsh is what I need tbh. I just feel gutted that I've managed to damage it so soon after buying it and I spent a lot of time saving. Fortunately the damage doesn't affect the functionality of the device. So I can live with it for the time being but the lines being there are just a subtle reminder of my clumsiness which is humiliating more than anything else. I'm not really interested in 3rd party screens because Samsung's screens are too good to substitute so I'll contact Samsung and get a quote and if that's too much I may even look into selling it and buying a new one and consider the difference in loss as the repair cost, might work out cheaper. Thanks for your response.

Out of curiosity, how do the 3rd party screens compare to OEM?

There's no such thing as non OEM screens. Every Samsung LCD is original and oem at the same time because nobody has managed to successfully copy them yet.

That itself explains why the screens are so expensive.

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I got Samsung s7 from America I imported it . After a year I suddenly dropped it . It had a damage upside right corner and few lines over there. But I can't see what is in the screen . I got calls I picked because I know the position of the call coming .

But I need a fast and quick and very good and helpful one..... please say it fast as u can ...

Please suggest me what to do

I m so frustrated please what to do say

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I m so sad please say good solution for my mobile's damage

Y won't u answer it fastly

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