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Samsung의 5-세대 Android-기반 Galaxy 스마트폰은 2014년 4월 11일에 출시되었습니다. 이 휴대폰은 지문 스캐너, 최신 카메라, 대형 화면 및 방수 기능이 개선되었습니다. 네 가지 색상으로 제공됩니다; 검정, 파랑, 흰색 및 구리.

577 질문 전체 보기

How can I recover data from brocken and black screen - Samsung Galaxi

I broke my phone and the screen is cracked and black. I cannot recover data as none of the applications is working. All of them need some set us on the actual device but the phone is unusable. Can someone help please?

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선택된 해법

What data are you looking to recover? If you had your phone signed into your google account data is backed up. For contacts, look here. For photos, look here. For emails, go here.

If you are looking to repair the screen here is guide:

Samsung Galaxy S5 Display Assembly Replacement

Hope this helps. If there is anything else you need out of your phone just ask.

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