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106 질문 전체 보기

Installing Mac mini Model A1283 Terabyte Drive

i can't find this

"15 pin SATA power to 4 pin Molex power"

can you help me ?

i'm from China.


I want to install a second SATA hard drive to the mac mini Model A1283,

The "16 Step-by-step Guides Installing Mac mini Model A1283 Terabyte Drive"

In this one step so that I may need to purchase a pick line, I can not find


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Don't use the molex power plug in. Use the existing power cable. If your drive does not have a SATA power plug in you may have the wrong type of drive. What is the Brand name and model number of the drive you are trying to install?

해당 답변은 도움이 되었습니까?

점수 3

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agreed +

There's no room inside the MiniMac to add a second drive, you'll have to go externally.

thx, remove the superdrive,i need the line,,,I Reference Guide.

Mac mini Model A1283 Terabyte Drive Replacement

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