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Furby was a popular electronic robotic toy resembling a hamster/owl-like creature which went through a period of being a "must-have" toy following its launch in the holiday season of 1998, with continual sales until 2000. Furbies sold 1.8 million units in 1998, 14 million units in 1999, and altogether in its three years of original production, Furbies sold over 40 million units.

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Furby Keeps shutting down

I have a furby boom crystal and it keeps shutting down. I tried to hit the restart button it starts up then it shuts down. Do I have a defective furby?

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If the furby does not move and just constantly shuts down, then the the small 6V brushless DC motor went wrong. I had the same issue. You can replace it with one from a PC DVD reader (this is the door opener motor). Shaft is smaller but it's ok, diameter is good. You need a solder iron as well to replace electronic part from DC motor. If the furby does move, then there might me a sliced wire or a barely plugged in wire. I recommend you taking it apart, these newer furbys are harder to take apart, here’s a guide: https://learn.adafruit.com/furby-2012-te...

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