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PowerBook G4는 2001년 1월 MacWorld Expo의 Steve Jobs 기조 연설에서 처음 발표되었습니다. 본체는 주로 티타늄으로 만들어졌으며 15" 스크린이 있었습니다.

130 질문 전체 보기

How can I replace the cooling fan?

My first PBG4 Titanium died this past August, and I replaced it with another one in September. About six weeks ago, the "new" machine's cooling fan stopped working. Although I was able to get it to work for a couple of hours one day, I haven't been able to get it to work again.

I'm guessing the fan has died, as it sounded like a coffee grinder in the days before it apparently died. To the best of my knowledge, the cooling fan in the otherwise dead first machine is known to have been working when the logic board died. Is it possible to swap the cooling fans?

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It's doubtful you can switch the fans. It's according to the models of the machines and if they are the same. Please give the last three letters of the serial number on each machine so we can determine what they are. The fans are not expensive.

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agreed +

I don't have the machines with me (I'm writing this at a library), so I'll have to get those serial numbers later.

Also, money's seriously tight, so buying a replacement fan is not at option at this point, which is why I'm hoping for a swap solution.

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