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독특한 슬라이드 아웃 배터리 및 다중 하드웨어 확장 옵션을 지원하는 분리 가능한 I/O 모듈을 갖춘 LG의 주력 스마트폰. 2016년 4월 출시.

146 질문 전체 보기

Is iFixit replacement camera OE quality?

I had to ship my LG G5 in for warranty repair back in August. Unfortunately, the main camera got damaged during shipping and the focusing mechanism broke. I purchased a replacement 16mp shooter on Amazon, but I've noticed more mosaic noise and less-defined edges in my photographs since I installed the replacement part.

I'm wondering if the G5 main camera replacement sold here on iFixit may have the same issues as the replacement I purchased, or if the product sold on iFixit is made to OE specifications. (LG G5 Main Rear Camera)

I'm hopeful, as the price here is 50% more, and does not include any of those lovely "premium" tools. (I do believe you get what you pay for though :P)

LG G5 Main Rear Camera 이미지


LG G5 Main Rear Camera


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Yes, that camera is an OEM camera. The parts that ifixit sells are used OEM parts from their teardowns. Their parts are actually new for the most part, because they probably only power the device on once, then tear it apart.

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