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A1708 / EMC 2978 — 2016년 10월 출시, 이 기본 레벨 MacBook Pro는 (OLED Touch Bar가 아닌) 기존의 function keys를 유지합니다. Function Keys 버전은 Intel Core i5 및 Thunderbolt 3 포트 2 개를 포함합니다.

216 질문 전체 보기

Dent and backlight leak bottom left corner of screen

I accidentally dropped my new mac a few days ago and it created a small dent that soon left to a back light leak on the bottom left corner of the screen. I brought it to apple to ask how much repairs would cost and it was half the price of the laptop. How much would buying new display cost? Any recommendations for repair shops?

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At the moment, you can only get the LCD panels, not the whole lid (and the panel alone costs 300$!)

Lids are usually available at a decent price a couple of months after the LCDs have dropped in price, so you are looking at May/June earliest when 3rd party companies are offering this repair.

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