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모델 A1278, 2012년 6월 출시. Turbo Boost가있는 Intel 프로세서, 최대 512 MB DDR5 비디오 RAM

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Computer dead after hard drive replacement

I had the macbook for a while now, around a year ago i got an ssd and replaced it myself, a bit after that i got a HDD caddy and replaced the cd drive with the mac's original hard drive.

a couple of weeks ago the laptop was acting very slowly and i decided to reinstall the macos, I formatted the SSD and tried installing but the installation was extremely slow and completed after 3~4 hours, i suspected that the ssd had malfunctioned so i tested it with the disk utility and it showed some errors, so i got a new ssd and it showed the same errors while trying to format it.

so trying to remove the hards and switching between them, suddenly the mac doesn't even want to open using the power button, i rechecked the battery plug, and i found that i had bent one of the teeth inside so i fixed it and replug the battery and i still won't work, although the battery check lights on the side are working perfectly.

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Sounds like you have a bad HD SATA cable ;-{ This has been a chronic problem in this series.

If you have an Apple Store near you Apple has been quietly replacing the cables under an extended warranty program. Otherwise here's the IFIXIT guide you'll need to follow: MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2012 Hard Drive Cable Replacement and here is the part you'll need: MacBook Pro 13" Unibody (Mid 2012) Hard Drive Cable.

Sadly, I also have some more bad news here. Using the optical drive carrier for your HD is not wise. Only the HD bay has HD crash guard protection so when you move the drive over you put it at risk of being damaged when you bang your system or move it while the drive is running. In addition to that the optical drive carrier (it makes no differences who's) really can't support a SATA III (6.0 Gb/s) drive reliably. Heres a good reference: OWC Data Doubler review the notes at the bottom "MacBook Pro 13" models" The 2011 models can’t support SATA III drives.

You may want to consider getting a larger SSD or if price is an issue go with a SSHD hybrid drive. Ideally, you want a 1 TB with 32 GB of SSD togged the best performance.

MacBook Pro 13" Unibody (Mid 2012) Hard Drive Cable 이미지


MacBook Pro 13" Unibody (Mid 2012) Hard Drive Cable


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thanks, now i know the drive problem, what about the not powering up issue?

Disconnect the cable from the logic board does the system start up then? Sadly without a drive you'll only see the flashing question mark.

Hopefully the short in the cable didn't damage anything else.

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