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모델 A1369, 1.6, 1.7, or 1.8 GHz 프로세서, 64, 128 또는 256GB 플래시 저장공간

328 질문 전체 보기

What to be careful of when replacing backlight fuse?

Hi there,

I blew my laptop's backlight fuse.

I saw some videos online that explain how to replace it, removing it with a soldering iron, and soldering a new one back on. However, these videos don't mention what are the risks and what one should be careful of when doing that.

What are the risks ? What should one pay special attention to ?

Thanks in advance for your help

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before i replace the fuse i have to find the short right? my fuse just blows if i turn my macbook on, so do i replace it and check for the short or can i check voltage and shorts without it?

If my lvds connector or the cable is shorted, should i be possible to find the short with a multimeter in diod mode?

i got a shematic

@mmmilo I would be very interested to hear how to test for this. I posted a question on apple.stackexchange.com here : http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions...

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Unplug the battery whilst doing this. When removed, check both pads for a short to ground, and make sure there is nothing on the board which could cause this (damaged LCD cable, burnt pins on LCD connector, liquid, etc). Not a lot that can go wrong to be honest.

Replacing the fuse is possible with a solder iron, but it does take longer and is more fiddly. If you have access to a hot air station, this is a lot easier.

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Thanks a lot. So how do you test for a short to ground ? You mean between each of the fuse pads and the ground ?

Yes that's correct. Once the fuse is removed, check both solder pads. If there is no short, new fuse won't blow

@reecee thanks a lot. So how do I test for that short ? I just put each multimeter pins on one pad ?

With no power running through the board, one probe on ground and another on a pad in continuity mode. Then do the same to check the other pad. It will beep if there is a short to ground.

@reecee thanks ! I have tried doing that, but I don't know where I can find the ground : https://apple.stackexchange.com/question...

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This video will give you an idea of the technique you should use to properly replace the fuse using hot air station.

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@oldturkey03 Look at this! How'd he do that?

@triosimple How'd you do that? Post a video?

Are you asking how I made the video?

@mayer looks like we can now use embeded videos on Answers. Perfect! No more 10sec clips only:))

@triosimple thanks ! I forgot to precise in my question that all I have is a regular soldering iron. Any idea given this constraint ?

Over the counter irons can be more challenging but not impossible. I would purchase 5-6 fuses from mouser.com and try it till you get it right.

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