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Device and repair guides for the RCA 10 Viking Pro, an Android tablet with detachable keyboard that can be identified by model number RCT6303W87 DK.

427 질문 전체 보기

My son dropped his tablet and now the power button is stuck

Power button is stuck and all it does is power on and off all the time. Can it be fixed?

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@klukenbill81 , Kimberly, Try wiggling the button with your finger or perhaps a tooth pick to manipulate it into correct position to see if it will pop back. The video links below can show how to disassemble the tablet so you can access the power button to see if you can free up/repair or may have to replace the power button. If not wanting to attempt repair take tablet in to a good local cell/computer repair shop and have them take a look and estimate repair. Good luck. I hope this helped you out, if so let me know by pressing the helpful button.



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I've taken it to 2 different places and they said since the button is attached to the motherboard they can't fix it

Kimberly Lukenbill, try contacting RCA below for more info. or for a recommended repair shop in your area also note link below as the entire replacement mother board is available for under $13.00, just make sure that the replacement board would be correct for your device, read through all particulars and sellers ratings etc. before ordering replacement parts and you can also do a search for even better pricing perhaps. Good luck.



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I just encountered this exact problem with my nephew's tablet after the power button took a hard bump. I was able remove the three side screws and two bottom screws, then pry the housing off enough to expose the jacks and tiny ivory-coloured power button. Using tweezers, I pulled the button out from its depressed state, then clicked the housing back into place and screwed it together. Seems to be working fine now!

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