Keeps showing me a white page which states "OK to Disconnect"

I bought a used ipod and every time i power it on, it shows me a grey background with a white apple logo for a few seconds. then the screen goes black and the apple logo comes up again and then it states connect to power.

The moment i connect it to power, it shows me a grey background with a white apple logo for a few seconds. then the screen goes black and the apple logo comes up again followed by a message saying "Use itunes to restore" for a few seconds then a white screen comes up saying "Do not disconnect" for like a second the it shows "OK to disconnect" with a black tick over it. It also seems like the ipod does not charge.

I connected the ipod on the PC when is says "Use itunes to restore" but itunes does not detect it. I have seen other forums where they say that you need to first hold down the Volume down and Power key but it doesnt seem to work. Is there any other way i can fix it?

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