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Model A1320 / 8 or 16 GB capacity

156 질문 전체 보기

Why can't I turn my iPod on?

Hi,I have had my purple Ipod nano 5th generation less than a year and I managed to break it. It won't turn on, even if I try to restart it. If I plug it in to charge, it will charge but when I unplug it, it won't turn on! Please help me! Thank You a lot.

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Thanks for the help! I hadn't plugged it in in a while but I just did and now it works!! But thank you soo soo much for the help!

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Sounds like a dead or bad battery. Probably not holding a charge, that is why when you unplug your Nano it stay dead you will need one of these iPod nano (5th Gen) Battery and how to do it is here iPod Nano 5th Generation Battery Replacement good luck and let us know if you have any issues after that.

iPod nano (5th Gen) Battery 이미지


iPod nano (5th Gen) Battery


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