Logic board identified by 820-2437-A is one for 6.5th Gen or 7th Gen?

I purchased 820-2437-A logic board and I thought that it is for the 7th gen iPod classic because Samsung mSata 840 EVO works only with 7th Gen logic board.

Did I purchase a wrong logic board? Someone says that 820-2437-A is one for 6.5th gen iPod classic... Please help me out of this.

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Firmware of a logic board is more important than a generation of the logic board.

Recently, my 7th Gen logic board with firmware 2.0.1 works with Samsung mSata 840 EVO (1TB) but I found that the same logic board does not work with Samsung mSata 850 EVO (1TB).

However, I fully tested another 7th Gen logic board with firmware 2.0.5 with Samsung mSata 840 EVO (1TB) and 850 EVO (1TB). Both of mSata worked fine with the logic board with firmware 2.0.5.

I hope this to help you. Thanks.

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