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Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+는 Galaxy S6 Edge 스마트폰의 커진 버전입니다.

100 질문 전체 보기

Has anyone replaced their camera lens in this phone?

Dropped phone and shattered the glass on the camera. Love the phone and I'd like to know my options. Thanks!

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Hello...I just completed this repair a couple weeks ago for a customer while he watched...Took about 10 minutes and on a 1 to 10, 1 easy and 10 difficult, it is a 2. Just take your time and get the glass out without scratching the phone or center lense and put in new replacement glass...It's a couple dollars on Ebay.

here is a video I found that accurately describes the repair. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR421nm3...

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