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Device and repair guides for the RCA 10 Viking Pro, an Android tablet with detachable keyboard that can be identified by model number RCT6303W87 DK.

427 질문 전체 보기

No internet connection on initial set-up.

My tablet says that I have an authentication problem and seems to not be able to acquire the internet on initial set-up. I am using the same password that is established on the desk top computer. How do I change the password?

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선택된 해법

Hi Debbie, Go to Settings, Personal, Security — Set preferences for Screen security,

Passwords, Device administration, Credential storage

and Advanced.

I also included a link to the User Manual in case you need it for setting up your WiFi on your Tablet. You can save it as a PDF File.


Good luck and please let us know if you got it working, Thanks, John

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Debbie Schiff 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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