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2014년 12월에 출시한, 여러 모델 번호로 알려진, 아시아 시장을 위한 Samsung의 Android 스마트폰.

118 질문 전체 보기

Phone is not getting switch on and heating during charging?

My phone started heating. one night fallen from the bed and now not getting switch on and I tried charging it but it is getting heat up and no sign of charging .

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It looks like something got damaged ior shorted out. I would suggest taking your phone apart, looking to see if you can spot the damaged component and replace it if you do. If you dont, try putting the phone back together, the fact something might have moved and you just put it back where it belongs might fix the issue. If not I would find out where its heating and consider if replacing that part is worth the money.

Samsung Galaxy A5 Battery Replacement

Follow that guide as it gets you into the phone.

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