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The NutriBullet by the makers of Magic Bullet is a personal blender that is self-contained and simple to use. It includes an electric blender base with a number of attachments for the user and offers a healthy alternative to blending food by breaking down ingredients in their most nutritious states.

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NutriBullet turns for only a few minutes

My nutribullet only stays on for a few seconds when I attach the cup to the base. It suddenly stopped turning on the other day and now it does not stay on even when pressing the cup into the base. I noticed some small metal balls came out of the base and the motor had a slight burning smell as though it was overheating. There is also a crack in the plastic part of the base that attaches to the blade on the cup base. I am wondering if anyone has had a similar problem or if anyone believes that replacing the cracked piece will fix it or if I should just buy a new one. Thanks!

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First, see if it may be covered under warranty. This can depend on where you live too.


The small metal balls sound like they come from a ball bearing part.

This site says they have them for 20% off. Might be worth a look:


If your NutriBullet suddenly stops during use, see the Magic Bullet NutriBullet Stops Suddenly During Use problem page for possible problems and solutions.

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