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Im stuck in google voice typing

Somehow my phone ended up with me not being able to use my keyboard for anything. I have to speak all text messages, all emails , all searches. It is so extremely frustrating and I have tried everything to correct it but nothing has helped

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I’m stuck in voice typing I can’t even get to my settings. I don’t know exactly what happened. I fell asleep with the phone in my pocket and this is what I woke up to.

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가장 유용한 답변

Search through Settings, through Apps and make sure google keyboard is enabled

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cant even start the phone from the lock screen to look at settings

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I’m having the same problem. In order to enter the password to open the phone, even this requests a google voice recognition. To even have this setting where you cannot even access the phone is malicious and intentional on Googles behalf. It is obvious they knew, the voice recognition was going to pop up when turning on the phone and they did nothing to stop it. Something so obvious was not “missed” on their behalf. I think Google is run by right wingers because right wingers do these malicious things. Go on liberal forums on Youtube and see how bombed they are by right wing comments. Youtube is owned by Google

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You need to research who runs Google! You're absolutely wrong about it being run by "right-wingers". It's run by your buddies! - https://marketrealist.com/p/larry-page-p...

Seriously ENOUGH politicization and you are DEAD WRONG it's your buddies That's what you get for pulling politics into these frustrating issues of the technological kind, what waste hours of people time and make people go homicidal, and there you are, you didn't even have a suggestion to fix it just spewing your political ideology. There are REAL issues happening horrific issues all caused by THE CRAZY LEFT the world is on fire but hey no mean tweets.... I can't it's just not worth my time, I have to clean up this &&^&^$^ leftist mess. But first HOW do you turn this thing off I can't change it back to board I'm locked out of that setting as well

you're an absolute idiot John.

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no virtual keypad when in facebook

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If I figure it out I will come back but by now you either murdered your phone or got a new one, maybe that was the whole purpose unleash this and force people to get the new tracking type "Smart" phones. It’s probably a timed trigger because you don’t have an appropriate style….Sad

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I replied to your post below.

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How to Turn Off Google Voice Typing Feature on Android - Appuals.com

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I think you probably got another phone by now lol but this just happened to my phone today. I found the link above to fix my phone. The GBoard was the key to restoring my keyboard. It worked for me. I restart my phone to get rid of that annoying google voice which took up half my screen. After restarting I was able to select settings icon and navigate.

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I have this problem can you help me ?

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