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Nintendo DSi는 닌텐도 DS 라인의 세 번째 시리즈이며, 2008년 말 일본에서 첫 선을 보였습니다.

265 질문 전체 보기

I broke the motherboard power connector

Hi i broke off the motherboard power connector how do i fix it please help

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If you haven't broken the pcb, it or a new one could be microsoldered back on Not for beginners. Or you could get a new circuit board

Nintendo DSi Power Board Replacement

Nintendo DSi Power Board

Nintendo DSi Power Board 이미지


Nintendo DSi Power Board


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Any chance of stripping it and soldering the leads directly to the board?

The charging socket isn't on the power board. It's on the motherboard. Very odd considering how close they are.

Yeah @mayer but I don't typically advise solder work, as most people aren't willing to buy even cheap tools, let alone spend the time to learn how to do very much

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You have two options here. You can either replace your power jack or your entire motherboard.

Replacing the motherboard is far easier than just the power jack, but more expensive.

Replacing the power jack is very hard, which means you have to have it done for you, and parts+labor could be just as or more expensive.

Here's the guide to replace the motherboard:

Nintendo DSi Motherboard Replacement

You'll have to find someone to do the power jack replacement. If you are skilled with a soldering iron you might be able to attempt it, but there is no guide for it.

Here are some parts:

DSi motherboards

DSi charging ports

Hope this helps!

해당 답변은 도움이 되었습니까?

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It's not on the motherboard, it's on the power board

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