Samsung tab 3 has Chinese browser

I bought a Samsung tab 3 second hand and it has an Asian browser. The galaxy app store is in chinese( yes I have changed language to English in settings)

I can't get Google play store or anything

Please help

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Hi Jaz,

Does your Tab 3 have a SIM card installed? If so it could be pulling the foreign language from it.

When I put my phone sim in it, galaxy apps changes to English but it still have the Baidu browser and I can't download Google Chrome or play store

If you're missing the play store you will need to enable it. Go to settings>application>application manager/all apps look for play store and Enable it. This will make it appear on the unit.

And what if it's not even on the tablet

You may want to see if it's "hidden" if its not in application.

My only other option then would be do to a Factory Reset.

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