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2011년 10월 24일 출시 / 2.2, 2.4, 또는 2.5 GHz 쿼드-코어 Intel Core i7 프로세서

406 질문 전체 보기

EFI chip location on this board

MacBook Pro a1286 EMC 2417

Board NO 825-2915 B

Hi Guys.

Can you tell me where the EFI chip is on this MacBook Pro's motherboard please.



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How about giving us some background on why you suspect your problem is the EFI chip.

Customer of mine has passcoded firmware and has forgot passcode.

I have the skills and pre programmed efi chip to the motherboard and emc, I just need location of chip. Thanks


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가장 유용한 답변

You cannot change the EFI chip. The ME region is tied to the CPU. Replacing the chip will cause performance issues and crashing.

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Even if the chip I've bought is pre programmed ?

Yes. The ME region is tied to the CPU that is on that board.

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Best thing here is for your customer to visit an Apple Store with proof of ownership and some ID. As Apple does have a very special tool which they can unlock the hardware password lock.

If on the other hand the system was iCloud locked then you'll need to have them unlock it from 'Find My iPhone' app or if they have a second Mac from within iCloud services 'Find My Mac'

Replacing the EFI is not a good idea for this kind of issue. In the end you'll have messed it up enough other services won't work correctly as it's security key won't be intact any more (ME Region).

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Agreed! Apple will unlock it w/ proof of ownership.

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