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Cheap shielding from ham radio?

Hey not exactly a "computer" question but any idea of how to shield electronic devices (cell phone, wireless printer, tv signal box, etc.) from ham radio interference? Trying to be cheap and filing a civil suit is out for lack of money.

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I would talk to the radio operator. It is much easier for him to fix the problem. He may be unaware that his transmissions are a problem.

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I agree! Do this first. You should be able to find them looking for the large antennas.

If interference is so strong you can hear a call sign, you can look up the person at http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearc....

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You probably could make a Faraday cage, basically a metal screen that is grounded, and put that at the location where the ham radio is interfering with your devices. You can also contact FCC if the neighbor's ham station is causing problems that effects others.

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Contacting the FCC should be your last resort.

Don't forget radio waves travel around corners :-)

You need to have a full encasement of the faraday cage to gain its protection. Which makes it comersome trying to protect devices which also need radio signals (Cellular, WiFi, Bluetooth...)

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Try talking to the radio operator, most are quite friendly and more than happy to help you out. Sometimes it is as simple as pointing the antenna in a different direction. Most problems are from poor shielding or grounds on your end. T.V. cables are very bad about the shield not grounded to the connector properly. This will allow everything to interfere like touch light dimmers, fluorescent lights, CB's on the interstate etc.

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