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Released April 2013, model numbers GT-N5100 (3G & Wifi), GT-N5110 (Wifi), and GT-N5120 (3G, 4G/LTE & Wifi)

76 질문 전체 보기

Bluetooth and WiFi not working can replace these. Thanks jack

Can I physically replace the Wi-fi and Bluetooth on my Galaxy Note 8 which does not have a phone connection just Wi-fi and Bluetooth

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before replace Bluetooth and WiFi try these:

Make sure you turn off Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, wait a few seconds and turn it back on. If that doesn't fix the problem, head to the next step.

Restart your phone. Sometimes all that's needed a quick kick to the reset button and you're good to go.

If Wi-Fi problems persist, try forgetting the network by long pressing on the network name and tapping Forget network. Then tap the network again to re-enter the password and re-connect.

If Bluetooth problems persist, try unpairing the device from your phone and re-pairing. To do that, tap on the cog icon next to the product's name and hit Unpair. Put the device you're connecting to in pairing mode and connect again.

If you're worried you may have tweaked settings inadvertently and want to start over, go to General management, Reset and then tap Reset network settings

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I just got this samsung 8, today. Have always used iphones but didnt like 7, dont think 10 isworth it, but this samsung android is pure crap. Im gonna fire up my iphone 6 and take this turkey back. No bluetooth. Stupid clouds all over the place. Confusing. Watch wont sync.In fact bluetooth sees nothing, but my iphone sees 5 objects.

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