iPhone not activating after iOS 11 Downgrade to 10.3.3

So I downgraded my device from ios 11.0.1 to ios 10.3.3, and im getting the following message

"'''There is a problem with your iPhone.


This iPhone cannot be activated for service. Please contact your carrier or AppleCare."

On my iPhone and on my iTunes....

Ive tried Multiple restores using 10.3.3 IPSW, Also tried updating back to ios 11....removing device from iCloud..... Any Suggestions? the device is mine, and out of warrenty.... Any Suggestions would be greatly appreciated....

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What does the phone do? Does it do anything? Or just stay in dfu? Also I mean sounds dumb. But have you tried a force restart?

the phone goes to through like its going to be activated then gives me the message...


The iPhone Was COMPLETLY fine before the downgrade

Ok. What about any other previously saved backups? Do you have a few to choose from? Prior to today? Maybe even a week ago?

It wont let me get that far to restore from the Icloud backup. I restore VIA itunes, then try to activate...can't get passed that message

There is a problem with your iPhone.

This iPhone cannot be activated for service. Please contact your carrier or AppleCare."

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