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모델 번호 A1238 / 80, 120, 또는160GB 하드 드라이브 / 검정색 또는 은색 금속 외형

906 질문 전체 보기

Can't play any of the tunes on my iPod Classic


Yesterday I attempted to delete about 20 songs from my IPOD Classic 80gb using Music Bee. I usually highlight the titles I wish to delete, then right click on them and click delete without any problems. However, on this occasion, the screen locked up and when it came back up, my IPOD was not showing any music (it had nearly 6000 songs on it). Further investigation has revealed they have gone into a new folder extension called 'storage', which when opened, has all the usual folders within it (calendars, contacts, Ipod control, Music, Notes & recordings). If I click on storage and then music, all my files appear and I can play them from that on my PC (through Music Bee) but I cannot play them on my IPOD away from the computer. Before anyone suggests using ITunes, my computer cannot accept ITunes for some reason (I have tried numerous attempts to get it to install), which is the reason I ended up with Music Bee which I enjoy using. I don't want to wipe it clean and start again as apart from the CD derived tracks, I have a lot of ones from other sources so this would take me many, many hours. Hopefully someone can help me. Thanks in advance. Peter

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Further to my original post from yesterday, I have tried adding some tracks directly from CDs and whilst all appeared to go correctly while connected to my PC (and indeed they appeared in the correct 'music' folder), when I disconnected the Ipod, the songs are not there.

Although it's several years ago that I got the Ipod, if I remember correctly, I may have used the then current version of ITunes for a while until it no longer worked for some reason. Then I switched to Music Bee which I have used ever since.

Today I have run the diagnostics mode on my Ipod Classic. The results were as follows and hopefully this means more to some of you than it does to me.

Retracts: 42

Reallocs: 0

Pending Sectors: 0

Power On Hours: 5195

Start/Stops: 36,352

Temp Current: 25c

Temp Min: 2c

Temp Max: 53c

There are no pending sectors or reallocated sectors. This means the hard drive is healthy. The rest are usage statistics and operating temperatures.

Thank you. What do you think I should do next?

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가장 유용한 답변

georgeformbyjnrfan MusicBee does not work with anything over iOS3.11. Let us know how you installed the files to your iPod before since Musicbee due to Apple proprietary software is not directly supported.

해당 답변은 도움이 되었습니까?

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I would like to suggest switching to rockbox firmware.


It is fully reversible and you don't lose any data.

It doesn't not need any 3rd party music manager, rather you can drag and drop music onto the device.

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Thanks SW. I've just had a look at the website and it actually says the Ipod Classic is unstable with Rockbox. Have you tried it yourself with an Ipod Classic?

Hi, I don't use it for the classic. I use it for a few iRivers I have, and the iPod Mini.

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