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Why does it refuse to boot?

My MacBook Air 11 recently shut down and when I switched it on it went on the apple logo and refuses to log in. I took it to the nearest istore and it came back with 'unit is vintage. Can no longer assess/repair/qoute unit. Apple support no longer support the unit'.

Is this the end of it or something can still be done to repair it?

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When you say that it won't log in, does it give the option and just won't accept your log in, or does it only show the apple logo?

It only shows the apple logo on a white screen.

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Most of the time this is simple a corrupt system folder. First try starting in Safe Mode by holding down the Shift key on start up. Next try booting from and external USB source.

Recently I have seen a couple of the SSD blades fail. Remove the blades, then try booting from an external source.

I forgot, also try booting to the repair partition so you can run Disk Utilities on it. Hold down the option key on boot and select the partition.

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Try booting in safe mode.


Follow that guide on how to do it and trouble shoot your issue if you can get into safe mode. If you try safe mode and it still does the same thing, report back and I will help you try to find other things to try.

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Good answer, we both gave it at the same time ;-)

@mayer Thanks. And no, i beat you to it. ;-)

I have tried the safe mode and it does not work also


Try verbose and tell us where it stops. Also how long did you leave it run to see if it will eventually boot?

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