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Second generation of Wi-Fi iPad, released on March 11, 2011. Model number A1395. Repair is difficult and will require heat.

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Charge picture/Apple logo then black

Hi guys, I have a problem with a iPad 2. I bought this thinking it just needed a new digitiser as it was advertised on eBay. When it arrived it was working. Replaced digitiser (that came with it new) plugged into charger and it started going into a loop. Charge battery sign then Apple logo the the cog then blank. Now after playing around with it I can get the charge sign and the apple logo but then goes blank and does nothing. Not reconised in I tunes. Help me pls.

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Can you get it to stay on an iTunes logo, by holding homebutton down on startup (recovery mode)?

Have seen before, that it was software issue doing this.

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No it won't stay on and if I remove the charger cable it just goes black. Will not even show the charger sign if I plug to iTunes.

If I remove the charger and plug back in it then does the loop again and goes black.

Did you try new battery? If it dies when removing the charger, this can usually indicate a battery problem

It's almost certainly a bad battery.

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