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Known as the ''PS2'', it is a sixth-generation video game console first released by Sony in Japan in March 2000. The United States saw it later in 2000 with the SCPH-30000. Repair of this device requires only common tools, but can get tricky.

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Why is my ps2 3009display showing large black and white bars on screen

I have a ps2 v7 3009. Everything was working fine on it a couple of weeks ago. I got a new component cable for it yesterday. When I powered it up I had large black and white bars on screen. When the game starts the play station2 words pop up and then the screen goes black. I can here my movments on the game menu which tells me the game load but I am not getting any video. I tried the old cables and had the same issue. I even figured out how to switch between component and AV in the settings with the screen like this but nothing changed. Please help.

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I had a similar problem with my PS4, and although they are different consoles, there is a chance that you have the same problem- the "socket"/ thing in small hole in console where you put the cable in (I don't know the specific terminology), may be brokene, meaning it is not the cable but the connection between the cable and the console, and so you should try using the same cables with a different monitor and then differentt console (borrrow a friends/family/neighbor etc)and through the process of elimination you should figure out what is wrong.

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