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146 질문 전체 보기

Will Android 7.0 be available for LG G5 SE with ISR region?

I would like to know if there will be Android 7.0 available form LG G5 SE (H840) with ISR region, because almost all devices got Android 7.0, but phone from ISR region still not.

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Keep an eye on this page.


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Thank you, I'm checking this page all the time, last update for IST was on 2017-04-27 and it wasn't Android 7 :/

You also may want to browse through the XDA forums at https://forum.xda-developers.com/lg-g5

There are unofficial ways of getting Nougat. IMHO LineageOS is a better build than LG stock.

Please be aware that you may need to wipe your data if you plan to follow the instructions on XDA forums.

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