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Repair and service information related to Dell Inspiron 15" (inch) laptops.

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Is it possible to make this faster?

Back Story: I got this unit along with the course I took, I know it's my fault for not agreeing and not asking about more info of what kind of laptop that we're getting. As someone who's new to IT(my course), I still feel like this laptop needs more improvement to satisfy my needs for easier and better performance of this unit to help me with projects/activities in the future.

Dell Insipiron 15 5000 series, 15'6 HD Display

Processor: AMD A8-7100 Radeon R5, 8 Compute Cores 4C+4G 1.80 GHz


System Type: 64-bit

My first week handling this laptop, I'm already experiencing some slowness, just opening Visual Studios, Browser, Oracle Virtual Box and any other programs that we're using in class. I have an 8-year-old laptop that is absolutely faster than this.. I'm asking maybe if the school won't do anything about it, I just might upgrade it if able.

What should I do? I'm thinking which is more efficient for me. (I don't have the budget but if set a goal, I can make a way)

Upgrade it?

Buy new one? (this laptop is only 3 month old)

I'm new to this or even in the IT field. I will appreciate if people would help me as simple as possible, if ever you needed or wanted to explain a bit deeper or specific, I don't mind, I'll just try to understand the message. Thanks Guys :D

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Replacing the hard drive with a SSD Hard Drive should help speed it up. You can also go to advanced system settings and change the performance settings.

Update (01/01/2018)

Also another 8 gb of ram would be helpful as well.

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It seems to me you mention this is a school laptop. "I'm asking maybe if the school won't do anything about it, I just might upgrade it if able." I would not advice modifying it as that is against Many school policies. and you could get in trouble for that. If you modify it, you could get in trouble. But you can ask an administrative figure of the school. if they say no though, don't do it.

Unless I've understood you wrong and your supposed to modify the laptop to make it faster for a class


to answer your question I would recommend unchecking all the boxes in performance options except smooth edges of screen fonts. since that's in software that may be a good start (also free unlike new hardware)

(control panel>administrative tools>System Configuration>Tools [tab]>system properties>advanced system settings> settings button in the performance area.)

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