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146 질문 전체 보기

Is the h850 or h830 logic board compatible with the rs988 parts

i am faced with a delema... i have the rs988 model of the g5 and half my screen is showing like a scrammbled tv. i bought a replacement screen thinking it was a display issue... it wasnt so it must be my motherboard but i cant find a motherboard for my model i was wondering if i can use my rs988 screen, body, and other internal parts from the rs988 can be used with the h850 motherboard. any help is appreciated.... i see no reason this cant work.

the motherboards are the same dimensions and have the same mounting points

many parts i search for dont seem to be model specific

so i think it may work

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Yes, you can use those parts with any motherboard you may want. Just be careful tho, the H830 motherboards have a US T-Mobile SIM lock (unless you can find one that specifically states otherwise).

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thank you for the advice i found some that stated unlocked so i'll buy one of those

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