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Possible force eject button (if all else fails?)

When the lid is removed, there is a black button on the RHS of the superdrive slot with wires coming from the base. Could this be the eject button?

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mayer, I found that terminal drutil tray eject as suggested by a link provided by nicksmacan dpchelp worked, but when I have to take the lid off again I'll try the button to see if it ejects a cd/dvd, and if it does I will let all IFixit users know,

Thanks for your help.

Could you tell us the actual problem your having?

I discovered my original problem was that I had neglected to disconnect the drive from VM Fusion- panic did the rest!

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가장 유용한 답변

YES, press it or look for the paperclip size hole to inject a paperclip to eject

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my A1283 mini (intel) doesn't have the paper-clip solution, but I read on another site about a "quick fix" designed to be applied by Apple service techs from "under the lid" and I wonder if this is it?

I have no idea what you've read. please provide a link. did pressing the button not work?

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If the unit is running, refer to this, and try to do one of those things. That will get the disc out when the system is running and put together.

해당 답변은 도움이 되었습니까?

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Good recommendation when the unit is together and running. Looks like this one is opened up.

Just decided to chime in with this

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