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Coffee makers made by Ninja Kitchen.

32 질문 전체 보기

Why is my Ninja coffee bar shutting off

I received my Ninja coffee bar for a Christmas gift 2017. It worked fine for 4 weeks then cleaning light came on I cleaned it by directions ,made probably 10 pots of coffee worked great. Then when I went to push for a full or half pot of classic or rich it makes about a cup or a cup and a half and shuts off . for a full pot I restart it 11 times to finish .I took off the water resovior and pushed the spout to release air bubbles still doesn’t work

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Please help! I loved it before it stopped working and I can't take it back. It was expensive.

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Not sure if you’re problem was the same as mine. It kept beeping with the brew stopping as if the drip-stop had been activated. I could make it work but only if I stood there pressing just right on the drip switch mechanism.

We got our Ninja CF080Q - 69 about 10 years ago, so it had lasted quite a while and my family was ready to just get a new one, but they are so pricey! I’ve seen message boards like this, though, and I spent about an hour or two on the web looking. I thought I’d found the fix here, but I don’t see it anywhere anymore. Anyway, the advice I found instructed the reader to pull out the basket that holds the filter, turn it upside down, unscrew the center screw and pull off the bottom pieces of the basket. One of these pieces includes an arm-shaped plastic part, the tip of which has a small pocket that appears to have rust inside. The original fixer determined it needed a new magnet and that somehow the original one had rusted away. I figured this was part of the planned obsolescence mechanism built into everything now. So greedy! Anyway, I measured and found a perfect cylindrical magnet online, about $20 with shipping. I cleaned out the rustiness and popped it right in. The original fixer had to use some glue, but I didn’t need to do that. It stayed in place, and I put the basket bottom back together. The coffee maker works just fine again, and if I can make it work another 10 years, sharing this fix, I can check one thing off my bucket list.

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I have had my Ninja for at least 5 years. Last Sunday it wouldn't brew coffee. I took it apart. (lots of unnecessary screws) and discovered that the connector from the pump (3 wires) had corroded to the point that one had broken off inside the connector. I bypassed the connector for that wire (red) and it now works. The other connectors were also somewhat corroded and I cleaned the pins.

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