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Released September 2013, identified with model number T100T. 2-in-1 portable with Quad core Intel® Atom™ processor and 2GB of RAM.

80 질문 전체 보기

Lost colour on screen after start up

Hi, after start up where I put in the password..... which has colour!Then there is no colour on any Web browser, or control panel or anything? It has gone more or less black and white? Any help would be much appreciated

Thank you


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선택된 해법

Check "Ease of Use" features, there is one for high contrast that could cause this problem. If it is enabled then disable it. There are other things that may cause this, but this is a place to start.

해당 답변은 도움이 되었습니까?

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Brilliant!!!!! Yes that worked. Thank you so much x

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